I am an assistant professor in Statistics in the Department of methodology and statistics of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

My main interests are in Bayesian statistical modelling for cost-effectiveness analysis and decision-making problems in the health systems. During my PhD I have specifically focused on the study and adoption of Bayesian methods to handle missing data in health economic evaluations and to assess the impact of their uncertainty on the output of the decision-making process. My research area involves different topics: from systematic literature reviews, case study applications, survival analysis, meta-analytic methods, multilevel models and trial-based clinical and economic analyses. Here you can find my CV with more details on what I have done so far and my interests.

I am very interested in the analysis of longitudinal data, with a focus on different types of statistical methods to deal with missingness. My preferred statistical programming software and the one I am most familiar with is R/RStudio by far, but I do also possess a good knowledge of other software such as STATA and MATLAB. I am quite expert in the use of free open-source Bayesian software programs, such as OpenBUGS, JAGS and STAN.

I have collaborated with the Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation research group in the Department of Statistical Science at UCL, which is mainly focused on the development and application of Bayesian methods for health economic evaluations. The group works in collaboration with academics from different institutions and its activities are aimed at providing advice to statisticians, health economists and clinicians working in economic evaluations.

I have also collaborated with the Health Economics Analysis and Research methodology Team in the Institute for Clinical Trials and Methodology at UCL, working primarily with the members of the Priment Clinical Trials Unit. The group focuses on the development of methodological tools for the analysis of the economic components in randomised control trials across a wide range of clinical areas and is formed by a group of interdisciplinary and varied experience.

♚ King's note! ♚

I am a huge fan of RStudio and its tools, such as Rmarkdown and blogdown packages, which are aimed at the construction of documents that combine text, R code and the output from the execution of that code: from html and pdf files to multi-page web sites and e-books (yes this website is written in Markdown!). Oh, and I ❤ $\rm \LaTeX$.
  • Missing Data
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Health Economics
  • Longitudinal Data
  • Statistical Methods for Health and Medical Data
  • PhD in Statistics, 2019

    University College London (UK)

  • MSc in Statistics and Econometrics, 2015

    University of Essex (UK)

  • MSc in Applied Economics, 2014

    University of Pavia (Italy)

  • BSc in Economics, 2012

    University of Pavia (Italy)