Why research in statistics and health economics is so cool
What is probability ? The answer to this question is generally acknowledged to be the one that respects the so called Kolmogorov axioms which can be brutally simplified to:
Many times I have been asked by co-workers and people around me who are a bit familiar with statistics why I choose to be Bayesian and whether I feel confident in using this approach for my data analysis rather than the most widely accepted frequentist methods, at least in my research area.
Nothing major to report for the past month, mostly spent at home still in lockdown. A few offices and shops have already opened in London but all the public stuff, including my office at UCL will remain close until who knows when.
It has been a while from my last update on this website, but this has been an incredibly busy period with lots of routine work that I had to do. Now the situation has clamed down a bit, and I have also some news to report.
In spite of how incredibly busy I am at the moment, which is also weird considering the whole lockdown situation still going on, I managed to upload a new version (1.
The lockdown proceeds also here in the UK, as in the rest of the world, and at the moment we have no clear idea how long it will last. Not much we can do apart from staying at home all the time and practicing social distancing.
It has been roughtly a week and a half now since this whole shutdown started here in London and things are not going to be easy in the next few weeks.
I have to admit, although I expected some fear to spread because of the virus which is currently and quickly infecting the world, I was surprised by the frenzy surrounding us, especially in my homecountry (Italy) and particularly in my parents’ region which is at the moment under lockdown.
The moment for the second edition of the HEART’s one-day introductory course to health economics arrived at last! The course, led by Rachael Hunter and called “Understanding health economics in clinical trials”, took place on Tuesday 11 February and was prepared in collaboration between the HEART group and the Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (ICTM).
The new year is finally taking off for me and I have a couple of updates. First, I would like to remind everyone about the exciting new course “understanding health economics in clinical trials” that me and the rest of our research team HEART have put together to support the dissemination of health economics among all people involved in the design and analysis of clinical trials.