More good news...

I have got two news coming up. First, the paper I wrote with Michael and Gianluca on Bayesian methdos for longitudinal data in trial-based economic evaluations has finally been published as early view on JRSSA. As I said in some earlier posts, I am super happy about this collaboration and I hope I can continue working on similar projects in the future.
Second, I will soon give a talk about this work at the ICTMC conference in Brighton, next Monday. This will be the first time at this conference and unfortunately I will only be able to remain around for one day as I need to go back to London pretty soon. I hope I will be able to enjoy my day at the conference, even though I will miss the talks of Baptiste and Alexina which are scheduled for the last day of the conference. I hope I can at least have a quick chat with them the day I am around.
I am also excited to visit Brighton, since many people keep telling me that I should go and visit this sort of british version of “Rimini”. To be honest, I do not expect to find a nice wheather, given that in this period it is raining a lot in London, but I hope I will be lucky and get the only sunny day of the week.
Finally, I have started a rubric called missing data on my website, where I try to describe some of the most popular methods to handle missing data and to provide some references for anyone who could be interested in this field. I am really fascinated by statistical methods for dealing with missingness, perhaps because it was the main focus of my PhD, but I am eager to review different methods and see if I can find something really interesting. Of course, to complete this it will take more time, which I hope I will be able to find in the next months.