Copenhagen, I am coming ...

Finally the time of ISPOR Europe 2019 has arrived and I will depart in a few days for Copenhagen, where the conference is held this year. I am actually looking forward to this as I am curious to see what type of conference ISPOR is, that is, whether I will be able to find some interesting works and have some “applied statistics”-related discussions or the attention is more placed on “economics and clinical” matters. From what I heard by other people who routinely attend the conference, there should be a bit of both sides, even though I really hope I will be able to see some intersting methods and engage in discussion with some authors.
I know the conference is mainly related to address the needs of pharmaceutical and consultancy companies, but I hope I will be able to see some familiar faces there. Well, to be honest I know that some people I already know are going, which is good considering that their work is really cool. As for me, I will present the same work that I showed at ICTMC 2019 (some slides available here), but this time in the format of a poster, of which I am kind of very proud in terms of the final output, if I may say so.
Apart from this nice event, there are many things coming up when I will be back from the conference, which I really need to start working on. Mostly, these are related to some routine work for some trial analyses at PRIMENT, which by the way is advertising a new health economist job vacancy for those who might be interested. Other tasks include writing down and code a decision model on which I have been working since ages, papers review, other collaborations with different people, starting my co-supervison for a new PhD student at stats and, after I can find some free time, do some reasearch work on my beloved missing data. Am I ready? not sure about that …