
I am a member of the research groups Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation and Health Economics Analysis and Research Methods Team at UCL, working on both methodological and applied projects. My main areas of interests are statistical modelling for missing data, statistical methods applied to health economic evaluations, and Bayesian modelling in general.

A review of heath economic evaluation practice in the Netherlands: are we moving forward?

A review of heath economic evaluation practice in the Netherlands: are we moving forward?

Introduction In the Netherlands, the Dutch National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland or ZIN) is the body in charge of issuing recommendations and guidance on good practice in health economic evaluations, not just for pharmaceutical products, but also in relation to other fields of application such as medical devices, long-term care and forensics.

Bayesian Modelling for Partitioned Survival CUA

Bayesian Modelling for Partitioned Survival CUA

Modelling Framework we extend the current methods for modelling trial-based partitioned survival cost-utility data, taking advantage of the flexibility of the Bayesian approach, and specify a joint probabilistic model for the health economic outcomes.

Bayesian Hierarchical Models for the Prediction of Volleyball Results

Bayesian Hierarchical Models for the Prediction of Volleyball Results

Modelling Framework We extend and adapt the modelling frameworks typically used for the analysis of football data and propose a novel Bayesian hierarchical modelling framework for the analysis and prediction of volleyball results in regular seasons.



An R package to handle missingness in health economic evaluations